Friday 19 July 2013

System Architecture

After a long time I and my friend were chatting online. We used to share lot of thoughts and ideas with each other.Even that day he was very keen and he started asking questions about my subjects..Our conversations ....

Friend : Hi..How are you?.How is your life @ Praxis?
Me : I am doing good dude and enjoying my life @ praxis..Subjects are really interesting..How are you doing?
Friend : I am fine here..Are the subjects more interesting than engineering?
Me : Yes ..Subjects like Accounting and Business Information system are my favourites here.
Friend : Business Information system !..It sounds new..What is it all about?
Me : This subject is about knowing computers and their applications better and a do it yourself approach for the eclectic manager.
Friend : Very Interesting!..So what have you learnt in Business Information System..
Me : System Architecture..
Friend : What does it mean?
Me : System Architecture is a layout or design of the system components arranged in a specific manner.
Friend : Can you explain it better?
Me : Yes, I can..Just go back to our engineering days..Before implementing and testing a circuit we will follow certain steps like ..
  • Firstly we will design the circuit which includes the process of defining the function of each and every component.
  • Then based on the required output we will arrange the components in a specific order and finally the connections are made.
  • After making all the connections the circuit is finally implemented and tested.  
So we involve designing,arranging ,connecting and finally implementing..
This is all system architecture is about..
On summarising
  • System architecture is a visual representation of components connected by a network .It includes both hardware and software components that explains which software is running on which hardware box and how the hardware boxes are connected.
Are you getting it..

Friend : Ya..Now I am clear.But I wanted to ask you one thing.For different level of applications do we have different architectures?
Me : Yes we have different types.I will explain you one by one.
Friend : But be brief and simple..
Me : We have single tier,two tier,three tier and multi tier architectures.
Friend : So all these are differentiated based on the different level of applications.
Me : Yes..Let me explain.
  •  If the data and application resides on a same machine then it is single tier architecture.

  • If the data is different from the application and if it is stored in different server it is called two tier architecture.

  • If the data is in different server and the applications are partitioned into two where one part is an user interface and other is a complex business logic which is kept in different application server then it is three tier architecture.

  • In a multi tier architecture internet or WAN plays a major role in application sharing.

These are the different tiers of architecture.                                   

Friend : Interesting.Now I have got a clear picture of system architecture and its types.Thank you so much for explaining me.
Me : It is always my pleasure to share things with you dude.Had nice time speaking with you.I have many assignments.I hope you have understood what system architecture is all about.Signing off..See you soon..Take care..:)
Friend : Great talking with you dude..Wish you all the best for your days @ Praxis!!..Take care:)..Miss you..

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